We've long mused that the thrill of putting together a 'high-five-to-self' outfit must not only be lovely for the world's eyeballs, but also great for the soul. Well, today we bring you conclusive (or at a minimum quite decent) evidence that it is definitely good for you.
The logic…
Network building - if you've ever attended an event mainly (or possibly only…) to get dressed up for the occasion - and then ended up meeting loads of nice people, you'll know what we mean.
History swotting - these days fashion is a melting pot of trends from across the ages - all intertwined with important cultural motifs that it's important for us to homage. From the miniskirt symbolising new freedoms for women in the 60s, to the Cleopatra inspired eye liner reminding us of female leaders gone-by (whether they were a tad scary or not!).
Muscle toning - they say it's the little efforts over time that add up. In which case, just think of the cumulative arm toning clocked up through a lifetime of bracelet wearing. And don't even get us started on the calf toning from a pair of killer heels...
Cultural enlightenment - who can deny the multiple connections between fashion, art and science. Just think about fashion and architecture as one example. Our very own Pluralist Collection features bold earring designs inspired by postmodern architecture and evoking the spirit of the late-20th century movement of the same name. Fancy right?
Coordination skills - whether it's a two minute ponder whilst in your morning shower, or a dedicated think whilst you wrap up the day before, when on a daily basis you're considering an outfit across underwear, clothes, accessories and hair, it is undeniably good practice for multitasking, mental agility and planning!
Mental health – from embracing exciting colours, to swapping clothes with pals, to feeling totally awesome in a brilliant outfit, there are loads of ways to have fun with fashion. And as long as we don’t take it all too seriously, it can be a fantastic way to celebrate your own choices, be yourself and feel confident.
So, what you waiting for - get hunting for fashion accessories to make you happy (not guarenteed with purchase ;) right here x